Hi my beautiful friends!
I have been meaning to arrange a London meet up ever since I moved here last year. With my birthday fast approaching, I thought that the best gift I could give myself is a gift of meeting you, my dear friends.
I try to have meet ups often, as they fill me up with love and inspiration. It's a rare opportunity where I get to meet you guys, get to know you closer, hug and kiss you and also get some feedback. I savor the special moments and connections with each and every single one of you I'm lucky enough to meet in real life.
I decided to hold the meet up in Italian Gardens, which are located in the heart of Hyde Park. It's a very peaceful, romantic and magical spot that I thought would be perfect for us to meet at on a warm summer day.
The meet up was so fun and exhilarating. There were laughs and tears involved and definitely some bear hugs, haha! Thank you all for coming out to meet with me. In every single one of you I can see myself. I love you!